Latest Trends In Textile And Fashion Designing


(LTTFD). The mission of Journal of the History of Fashion, Textile and Fashion Design (LTTFD) is to broaden the data on textile and fashion design research. This journal is zealous in publishing the most comprehensive and authentic resource of information on recent trends and creative development in the field of textile and fashion design. Since the aim of this journal is to publish information and research on current issues as well as emerging trends, it collates information from diverse sources such as design shows, textile industry journals, craft fairs, textile museums and exhibitions, and the like. Based on its subject matter and focus, the duration of a volume of this journal could vary from one month to four or more years depending upon its extent.

In the range of studies and articles included in LTTFD, the focus is on understanding the cultural diversities and essences of textile materials and designs as well as the designers. Special emphasis is laid on scrutinizing the various phases and trends in textile and fashion design. Special studies on textile history and designers are also given equal significance. Authors may address issues concerning women in fashion, the miniskirts, African American clothing, work wear for nurses, fashion designers and their vision, the Middle East and Islamic clothing, the British and Irish fashion tradition, and so on. Issues regarding women and fashion are also discussed in relation to global fashion shows. After all, it is no doubt that women play an important role in fashion designing and represent a great deal in the field of fashion designing and merchandising.

In the field of textile studies, the latest trends in textile and fashion technology are considered. These trends have a significant influence on the fabric of apparel and the way it is designed. Fashion technology is basically concerned with the development of new apparel materials and apparel design, and in turn, this has a significant impact on the choice of fabric used in apparel and textile manufacturing. A textile material may be modernized or it may be designed according to the latest trends in textile and fashion technology. The study of such facts will in turn prove to be extremely vital in designing new and improved apparel materials.
